Monday, August 6, 2012

Homes in Bloom - Anthriums and Other Flowering Houseplants

Flowering houseplants are a wonderful way to add color to your home. They can be difficult to grow but are worth it. When cared for, many of the plants discussed here will bloom for long periods.

Two common varieties of Anthurium, the Tail Flower, Flamingo Flower, have long, narrow, shiny leaves and red buds. Arthuriums have well drained soil (add sphagnum) and a lot of heat, humidity and watering. Keep in partial sun in an eastern or west window and propagate by seed or division.
Beloperone guttata called Shrimp Plants for the pink-brown bracts surrounding their clusters of purple-spotted white flowers. They require rich, well drained soil, warmth and plenty of sun and water. Spray a few times a week and take cuttings in autumn or when the plant is leggy exaggerated.

The bromeliad family has more than a thousand species, many of which produce spectacular flowers. Like their cousin, the pineapple they have hard, spiny leaves. Bromeliads grow in moderate sun, but will not thrive in a north window. They prefer 60 ° to 75 ° temperatures, but tolerated variations. Use of water at room temperature in the spraying or watering, and to avoid over-watering. Distributed by division.

With its lush, abundant flowers Cineraria is one of the most beautiful houseplants. It should be kept cool and fade when exposed to temperatures above 55 °. Spreading the seeds, but be warned: a practiced hand and greenhouse conditions are met. Cineraria are annuals and only bloom once.

Another beauty is the Cyclamen, whose masses of white, pink or red flowers bloom above dense foliage. It should be kept moist at 60 ° -70 °. Use warm (even hot) water, and water from the soil. In winter, reduce watering, cool and in good light. Repot in autumn, feed it well until it blossoms. Propagate from seed: it takes more than a year for new plants to bloom.

Fuchsia is cooler than most of us keep our homes, but otherwise his thick pink, red and purple flowers make it a perfect houseplant. Keep in partial shade and well drained. In the spring, squeeze buttons, water and spray it daily but avoid too much water in winter. Fuchsia is propagated by cuttings, and flowers all summer.

Heliotrope is grown mainly for its scent, but it bears small purple flowers. He loves heat, direct sunlight and frequent spraying, but not water. Although Heliotrope is a perennial plant, treat it as an annual by propagating new shares per year. Take cuttings in summer to late winter bloom, or distribution of seed.

lmpatiens blooms pink, red or purple through the winter. Originally found in Zanzibar, Africa, the capsule breaks at the slightest touch, resulting in nicknames like snap weed and touch-me-not. Keep in partial shade during the summer, but give it as much sun in winter. Impatiens likes plenty of water and not more than potted flowers better with only the roots. Sow seeds in spring, or root cuttings in early autumn.

Lantana is a perennial plant with red, orange or yellow flowers clustered above oval leaves. Grow at room near a sunny window. It blooms in late summer and early fall but will bloom in winter if pinched back, sparsely watered and kept at 60 °. Plant Lantana in your summer garden and propagate by slips and seeds.

Marica is known as the Apostle Plant because the leaves, up to two meters long, grow in clusters of twelve. At the end of winter its violet and white flowers blooming, bloom and again in a period of weeks. Marica needs good sun, but give them partial shade in your summer garden. Propagation by division or rooting flower-bearing stem

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